startup weekend utrecht 2017

Startup Weekend Utrecht 2017 was a great success!

Stressing, running around and pure chaos in the working groups; those are features of…

Coffee IT recognized training company SBB

Coffee IT is an SBB recognized training company

Since November 14, 2017, Coffee IT has been recognized as a training company by the…

Coffee IT app trends 2017

6 important app trends & gadgets of 2018

July 10, 2008, the date the App Store opened for iOS. The App Store…

mraption live

The MrApption app for companies is live!

The garlands are hanging out and it's time for champagne! We always celebrate…

Have a VoIP app made

Nexxt featured in the telecom magazine of the Netherlands

The native iOS and Android VoIP app “Nexxt” that we have developed…

App release costs

What are the costs for publishing an Android/iOS app?

Who would have thought that? After months of slogging through the world of app…

mvp video stream app

Why building an MVP is important?

The cake is cut, everyone is in ecstasy and celebrating. No, there is…

meeting room-coffee-it

The looks of our new office

We have movedA new and larger office, Coffee IT has that need…

App development tips

4 Important tips about having an app made

Are you looking for tips about having an app made? Then you have…

app meeting

7 App trends to follow in 2017

What are the most important app trends to follow in 2017? Read our vision about…

Main app functionalities

What are the main functionalities of my app?

In this article What are the main functionalities of my app? How…

app business plan

This is how you write a business plan for a mobile app

In this article Why a business plan for an app Validating your…

Google IO 2017

Android O, what's new and is my app suitable?

Android O release It is now about half a year ago that Google…

targeted audience app

Why a target group is important for every app?

If you try to please everyone, you will not please anyoneMany start-ups…

Keep app idea secret

Why is it not smart to keep your app idea a secret?

Keeping your app idea secret Without realisation, your app concept is worth nothing and…

android instant apps

Android Instant Apps, a must for your app

Native apps, no installation Android Instant Apps are revolutionary in…

Google startup week

Coffee IT in main organization Google Startup Weekend 2017

Straight to the coffee? CONTACT US Coffee IT…


Fool Your Friends passes 3 thousand users within a month

Straight to the coffee? CONTACT USSuccessCoffee IT is proud to be part of…

Google analytics online marketing

Why are app analytics so important?

Why app analytics? It's been about twenty years since the internet for…

Android Wear 2 app

Android Wear 2.0, what to expect February 8?

Google will release a new operating system for Android Wear next month,…

What is SEO and what role does SEO play in Online Marketing?

Does your business need SEO? The answer; Yes. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)…

Cost making mobile app

App promotion: How does that work?

Of course it is the intention that your app is downloaded a lot, but how…