Since November 14, 2017, Coffee IT has been recognized as a training company by the Collaboration Organization for Vocational Education and Training (SBB). As an SSB recognized training company, we can guide and train MBO students through an internship at Coffee IT.
About Collaboration Organization Vocational Education Business (SBB)
Since August 1, 2015, there is one national logo for all recognized training companies. Collaboration organization Vocational Education Business (SBB) is committed to offering students the best practical training and job prospects. In this way, companies are increasingly getting the professionals they need. Students in secondary vocational education can look for a suitable internship via the SSB. Coffee IT is known to the SSB as a recognized training company. The SSB helps, among other things, to find a suitable internship. In addition, it ensures a good connection between vocational education and the labor market.
Want to do an internship at Coffee IT?
Do you also want to do an internship at app developer Coffee IT? Then apply directly for one of our internships. As an intern at Coffee IT you get the opportunity to develop yourself in a field that you like.