Elearning app Examenoverzicht

Learning with an app

Companies are increasingly discovering the benefits of using an app in the educational field. This is also what you call a E-learning app (educational app). With an E-learning app, users, for example students or employees, can learn in an interactive way. E-learning apps are used in many segments. Consider an interactive tool that allows users to study course material, train your staff or help students learn exam material more efficiently (such as the ExamenOverzicht app). Research has shown that users learn better through an app. This means that the app immediately has a lot of potential!


The benefits of a mobile learning app

Does your company have a lot of (teaching) material or is growth and knowledge development of employees central? Then an E-learning app offers the solution. Certain material is presented clearly and attractively. Manuals, workouts, training of video instructions, all are ideally suited for a mobile E-learning app.

With mobile learning, teaching material or educational material is often offered online. The app can also offer training, online quizzes and questions. This way, the target group has the teaching material directly within reach. Summaries and reference books can be viewed, as well as certain quiz results. In this way, the user's knowledge is always up to date.

UI & UX design

As an experienced E-learning app developer, we think along with the concept and design of your E-learning app. An optimal UI & UX design ensures that the app is used more often and better by the target group. Our designers always take into account your house style and the wishes of the target group.

Learn better

Faster, more fun and more effective. An educational app broadens the knowledge about a certain substance and ensures more bonding with your brand. An E-learning app optimizes (business) processes, which saves the company time and money. And of course everyone likes that.

Available on every platform

The success of an E-learning app depends on the availability of the app. We therefore ensure that your target group can use the app on any device, whether it is a iPhone, ipad, Android phone or tablets is. Each participant can use the app on their own device.

E-learning app developer Coffee IT

Our knowledge and experience in the field of mobile learning and serious games, enables us to develop high-quality E-learning apps that have the ability to effectively reach the target group. We act as a transparent development partner. This means that we use short communication lines, you always have 1 on 1 contact with the project manager and you are involved in the development process.

  • Developed for every platform and every device
  • Specialized in hybrid, native and web apps
  • Makes high demands on the quality of the code
  • Achieves/supports your business goals
  • Collaborative partner as an expert and advisor
  • Diversity of development knowledge and expertise
  • A team of designers, developers and marketers
  • Apps with a distinctive and innovative character
Educational app Examenoverzicht

Elearning app ExamenOverzicht

An example of an educational app that we at Coffee IT have recently developed is the ExamenOverzicht app. This educational app ensures that students are prepared for their final exams. ExamenOverzicht is a hybrid and web app, which means that students can download and use the app on any device. This E-learning app has functionalities such as in-app summaries, glossaries, practice videos, learning tips and old exams. The added value of an E-learning app such as ExamenOverzicht lies in offering traditional material or an interactive way that meets the wishes of the target group. Curious about the app? Then view the portfolio page of the ExamenOverzicht app or contact us without obligation.

Examenoverzicht app


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