mvp video stream app

Why building an MVP is important?

The cake is cut, everyone is in ecstasy and celebrating. No, there is…

App development tips

4 Important tips about having an app made

Are you looking for tips about having an app made? Then you have…

app meeting

7 App trends to follow in 2017

What are the most important app trends to follow in 2017? Read our vision about…

Main app functionalities

What are the main functionalities of my app?

In this article What are the main functionalities of my app? How…

Google analytics online marketing

Why are app analytics so important?

Why app analytics? It's been about twenty years since the internet for…

Keep app idea secret

Evaluate app design

In 2016, users no longer accept friction. By your app design…

Use iPhone

Why develop Agile apps?

Why Coffee IT apps developed with Agile Scrum? With the Agile development…

Paper prototyping app

App redesign

You already have an app that has already received feedback from your users.…

iPhone apps home

Make the app discoverable?

About 8.000 apps are added every week in the world. So it is getting…

App developer

Have a marketing app developed?

They appear more and more often; marketing apps. These are mobile applications with…

App store

Business models for a mobile app

Making money with apps, the different business models at a glanceApps are…

Delivery app

Develop municipality app

Many business organizations can no longer do without a…

Beacon apps

Develop iBeacon app

What are the possibilities of an iBeacon app? Ever thought of an interactive…