An open source VoIP framework developed by Coffee IT in collaboration with Spindle devhouse.
PhoneLib makes it easier to implement VoIP functionality in an app. The framework ensures that the deploying app has no dependencies on the underlying SIP framework and provides a set of features that reduce the need for the deploying developer to have SIP knowledge.
Currently, PhoneLib depends on Linphone. The deploying app has no knowledge of this. This keeps the framework flexible to switch to another underlying SIP framework in the future.
A library developed by Coffee IT. Native techniques with the SIP library Linphone. The Gradle framework is used for Android and Cocoapod for iOS.
VoIP communication
Incoming/outgoing calls, hold, mute, speakerphone, various audio codecs, conference calls, video calling, call waiting and transfer.
Open source
By making the technology public, Spindle and Coffee IT stimulate innovation development in VoIP technology.
"Coffee IT helps us offload some app development work and act as a general sparring partner. They are easy to work with because of their technical know-how and clear communication".
Marco Veilinga - Spindle Devhouse