app release – De Lerende Ambtenaar – Platforms
NEW APP RELEASEDE LERENDE AMBTENAARUtrecht, 26 July 2021 | 2 minutes Time…
Coffee IT x Edukans: can you help?
LET'S DO SOMETHING GOOD, TOGETHER Good news! Coffee IT will also start again in 2021…
App release - Jilkey - The online menu
NEW APP RELEASE JILKEYUtrecht, August 12, 2020 | 2 minutes Champagne,…
A possible new step in the UI design process at Coffee IT
Couple. We develop an app for our customers. Then almost every project starts…
Thousands of app installs on day one: How did Range pull it off?
The moment is here. With somewhat healthy tension and clammy hands you press the…
Coffee IT recap 2019
2019 is almost over. What do you say? Already? Yes, all clichés are allowed again…
Tightened Google Play Store guidelines: 'Pending publication'
There seems to be something going on in the Google Play App Store. Where it…