What is a connected app Coffee IT

What is a connected app?

Connected apps What are connected apps? Connected apps and IoT Communication…

How to use Appium for automated app testing

How to use Appium for automated app testing

In this article: How to use Appium Appium Desired Capabilities noReset and…

Test Drivin Development pros and cons

Test-driven development: advantages and disadvantages

In this article: What is test-driven development? What are the benefits of…

WWDC22 Apple Keynote Recap: iOS 16, WatchOS 9, macOS Ventura and much more..

In this article iOS 16: full of new features CarPlay: an OS for your…

Relocating to The Netherlands and working at Coffee IT

Francisco's experience relocating to the Netherlands

In this article: Introduction Francisco What made you decide to relocate to…

Add user to LinkedIn Campaign Manager

Explanation: Add user to LinkedIn Campaign Manager

In this article Step 1: log into your advertising account (link) Step 2: Go to…

iOS Auto Provisioning in Bitrise

iOS Auto Provisioning in Bitrise (with setting up and configuring an Apple Service account)

In this article Introduction Request access to App Store Connect API Generate…

how to make an app

How to make an app in 7 steps!

How to create an app in 7 steps Get to know your target audience and choose it…

App Release - De Lerende Ambtenaar

app release – De Lerende Ambtenaar – Platforms

NEW APP RELEASEDE LERENDE AMBTENAARUtrecht, 26 July 2021 | 2 minutes Time…

App featured in Apple App Store

This way your app will be featured in the Apple App Store

In this article Step 1: the quality of the app itself Step 2: be kind to the…

Apple Keynote WWDC 2021

Everything Apple announced at the WWDC21 Keynote: iOS 15, MacOS Monterey, and more

In this article iOS 15: Staying connected iPadOS 15: Widgets, Swift Playground…

Google I/O for developers

Google I/O: you need to know this as a developer

In this article Android 12 for developers Web for developers New tools…

Figma Plugin DevSync

DevSync: the Figma plugin for a better workflow (open-source)

In this article Coffee IT presents: DevSync The worlds of developer and…

HERE integration with React

HERE integration with React (open-source library)

In this article GPX files Why the Here integration no longer sufficed…

roompot digital key app

The 5 biggest mobile app trends of 2021

In this article Trend 1: privacy Trend 2: the arrival of 5G Trend 3: PWAs…

Coffee IT x Edukans: can you help?

LET'S DO SOMETHING GOOD, TOGETHER Good news! Coffee IT will also start again in 2021…

Progressive web apps (PWA): the pros and cons

Progressive web apps (PWA): the pros and cons

In this article What is a PWA? Examples of a PWA Advantages and disadvantages of…

Develop platform or app for online lessons

Develop platform or app for online lessons

Do we have a big problem now that 90% of all employees and students…

Home automation for companies

Home automation for companies

Domotics for companies: the possibilities are endless. Nowadays there are…

Apple requires app private details

Apple requires App privacy details in App Store

Apple has announced that starting December 8, 2020, any new app or update…

App Clips App Fragments

The differences between Apple App Clips and Android Instant Apps

Want to use an electronic scooter without installing an app first? This…